A few days ago i wrote a
story about my dream of meeting the guild irl.
Today on ''Wanted'' they told about a girl who had been strangled to death by a guy she didn't know. What happened was that she decided to celebrate her 28th birthday with people that she got to know through World of Warcraft. She waked him up at night and he became furious and simply strangled her (in sleep?)
I wrote this in raid chat, and 'someone' goes emo. I don't understand! This is something that is damn near too my heart and myself since I've met people irl as I got too know them through World Of Warcraft.
I didn't want to scare anyone, but seriously.. let me share these with you. Something I think is important for our own safety, atleast give it a thought! I am so damn tired of people thinking im a retarded crackwhore 'cause I never talk. I'm shy, get over it!
Update; 01.29FUCK!!! This freaks me out tbh. And besides, i failed on the boss after i heard this. I got so unfocused and my heart was like a ticking bomb. FORGIVE ME FOR WHATEVER I DID; BUT NOONE IS PERFECT!
Gonna make a video someday soon, too proove that i am a real person that can speak and have a personality. Now gtfo!