Im at work. Having a break for 20 min more. Haven't wrote anything for a few days, we went icc10 hc yesterday, went pretty well the first 4 bosses. But then.. we went for dreamwalker <.<
It's raid tonight, again. Guess we gonna continue.. But damn i'm really tired these days, need some kind of energy from something, i hope it change soon. :(
Btw, im level 64 on my priest. I'm still struggling with the rotation of my spells. Atm im using VT-DP-SP-MB-MF usually they die at that point, trying too do a SD at low hp, but yeah. I gotta say even at this level its hard too play SP :( But fun. really really fun.
tisdag 27 april 2010
söndag 25 april 2010
Arathi Basin 50-59?
lördag 24 april 2010
New ui?

Change my UI abit. Bored at night (lol, 'night' the clock is 9am ._.) what too do? Got inspired by Rays UI, looks really nice, but yeah.. gonna see if i someday gonna change on Tukea aswell, gonna try this one in some dungeons first. But i'm kinda used too have one eye at the upperleft :P
P.S Sorry G i leveled her too 54. Dont have anyhingelse too do when i can't sleep :(
fredag 23 april 2010
Ding 50
torsdag 22 april 2010
onsdag 21 april 2010
tisdag 20 april 2010
8/12 hc
måndag 19 april 2010
Recruit-a-friend Rocket Mount
lördag 17 april 2010
Exalted Argent Champion of the Horde
fredag 16 april 2010
WoWcrack 77%
Am i addicted too this game or woot?
I have an meeting tomorrow about my new job, i will probably start at monday, or maybe 1 may, i dont know yet. But i wonder how this is gonna affect my life. Will I become too serious after a while?
I love wow, i really do. But the way i play this game at the moment is not normal. But i dont say it's bad, but it takes alot of time. Thou i still enjoy it. MUCH.
I will still come too raids, but i prolly not gonna play anything during the days. And im a tired person, i really am, so.. Maybe i have too do some kind of workout too? Just too get some energy and yeah. We'll see.
I have an meeting tomorrow about my new job, i will probably start at monday, or maybe 1 may, i dont know yet. But i wonder how this is gonna affect my life. Will I become too serious after a while?
I love wow, i really do. But the way i play this game at the moment is not normal. But i dont say it's bad, but it takes alot of time. Thou i still enjoy it. MUCH.
I will still come too raids, but i prolly not gonna play anything during the days. And im a tired person, i really am, so.. Maybe i have too do some kind of workout too? Just too get some energy and yeah. We'll see.
torsdag 15 april 2010
Celestial Steed
onsdag 14 april 2010
Im longing so much for the day that i dont have too play with 4fps- on all 25m raids
People say you can play with 1fps. Can you tell me how? Sorry but i might have brainlag or something, but noway i would be able too play with less fps then i already have. 
Processor: Intel Core i5-750 2.66GHz
Minne: 8GB DDR3, Max. 8GB
Hårddisk: 1TB S-ATA (7200rpm)
Grafik: Nvidia GeForce GTS240 2GB
Övrigt: BluRay-läsare/DVD-brännare, DVI, HDMI, Gbit LAN, 12xUSB.
It's gonna cost.
If this sound totally ridiculous, have in mind that i am not a computergirl. I dont know a shit about computers, but it sounds pro atleast. HAHA

Processor: Intel Core i5-750 2.66GHz
Minne: 8GB DDR3, Max. 8GB
Hårddisk: 1TB S-ATA (7200rpm)
Grafik: Nvidia GeForce GTS240 2GB
Övrigt: BluRay-läsare/DVD-brännare, DVI, HDMI, Gbit LAN, 12xUSB.
It's gonna cost.
If this sound totally ridiculous, have in mind that i am not a computergirl. I dont know a shit about computers, but it sounds pro atleast. HAHA
100 posts
Lol my 100 post. Pff.. nolifer.

Can't sleep, as usual. Thinking, drinking tea and listenting too music. A perfect night. Almost..
Since i dont have any television installed, and i only have this crap computer, the only thing i waste my time on is PVP. Just bought the titan-forged shoulders for 40 wg marks. How is that? They are lol, NOOB written all over it. But whatever. PVP is fun as long as you pwn.
But what's best? Doing more dmg or taking less? Should be somwhere in between.. Feels like I past that now thou. Taking less, but doing shit. /cry
John Mayer - Who says (You need spotify for this i believe)

Can't sleep, as usual. Thinking, drinking tea and listenting too music. A perfect night. Almost..
Since i dont have any television installed, and i only have this crap computer, the only thing i waste my time on is PVP. Just bought the titan-forged shoulders for 40 wg marks. How is that? They are lol, NOOB written all over it. But whatever. PVP is fun as long as you pwn.
But what's best? Doing more dmg or taking less? Should be somwhere in between.. Feels like I past that now thou. Taking less, but doing shit. /cry
John Mayer - Who says (You need spotify for this i believe)
tisdag 13 april 2010
måndag 12 april 2010
Wnna Join Guild
On the application forum today;
My Race Undead , My Char mage
and MY GS:5.7k
i wanna join In your Our Guild............
I Have All raids Achive......and Im Skill
I Have Mining And Engineering but not Full skill.....
Thank You
My Race Undead , My Char mage
and MY GS:5.7k
i wanna join In your Our Guild............
I Have All raids Achive......and Im Skill
I Have Mining And Engineering but not Full skill.....
Thank You
Champion of Orgrimmar
Zup g?
Everyone got a package except Tukea, cause they think she belongs too Nausea?
BUHU. Jk, she dont wanna be in Nausea. She wanna be in Unforgettable. Or in mature luv, heard they are mature. Yes sir.
HAHA, G called me home today, my mom answered, my parents was like BIG ?
He wanted too tell me about a rarespawner, LOL irl. Told my parents he lives on a farm. Everything calmed down. LOL irl again.
BUHU. Jk, she dont wanna be in Nausea. She wanna be in Unforgettable. Or in mature luv, heard they are mature. Yes sir.
HAHA, G called me home today, my mom answered, my parents was like BIG ?
He wanted too tell me about a rarespawner, LOL irl. Told my parents he lives on a farm. Everything calmed down. LOL irl again.
söndag 11 april 2010
fredag 9 april 2010
5/12 hc
onsdag 7 april 2010
Lady HC
måndag 5 april 2010
Tukea the Kingslayer.
The Noble
söndag 4 april 2010
Fragil is HOT
lördag 3 april 2010
fredag 2 april 2010
Glory of the Ulduar Raider
torsdag 1 april 2010
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