fredag 8 juli 2016
söndag 20 mars 2016
Time-Lost Proto-Drake 6.2
UPDATE 7.0: Looting Time-Lost Proto Drake is now personal. I don't know much more about it. Read more on the newest comments on Time-Lost Proto Drake-Wowhead.
Read through all the information (new information) that you can find on the Time-Lost Proto-Drake. Check out new guides on youtube, check out Wowhead: http://www.wowhead.com/npc=32491/time-lost-proto-drake
Short information that everyone already knows:
The white skulls is when we've seen Time-Lost dead or killed it ourselves.
Method: Camping with friend
How: On a low population server without CRZ. (PVE) Check; https://realmpop.com/ to find a good one, of course, this involves money for a transfer.
When: 24/7 for two weeks in a row. I went camping with a friend, we both wanted the Time-Lost Proto-Drake and we both transfered alts and decided to go full camp mode. It took us 15 days of intense camping. Killing two Time-Lost and found 1 dead cause of early spawn.
Needs: Knowledge, patience, SilverDragon , NPCscan, NPCscan Overlay and MACRO:
I used a target macro mage by SerroDan since NPC-scan or SilverDragon wont work if you don't hover over the rare.
MACRO 1 (use for when you are alone)
/target Vyra
/target Time-Los
/run if UnitName("Target") then PlaySoundFile([[Sound\Interface\PVPFlagTakenMono.ogg]], "Master"); print(date(), UnitName("Target"), "Found"); SetRaidTarget("target",8); end
MACRO 2 (use for when someone is stacking on you)
/target Vyra
/target Time-Los
/run if UnitName("Target") then PlaySoundFile([[Sound\Interface\PVPFlagTakenMono.ogg]], "Master"); print(date(), UnitName("Target"), "Found"); SetRaidTarget("target",8); end
I used both of those macros, and I pressed, and pressed, and pressed and I have to admit pressing that damn macro for 2 weeks straight while camping made me abit insane. Mostly I pressed when someonelse was stacking with me.
We had three accounts, he had 1 and I had 2. We covered 3/4 spawnpoints. Frozen Lake, Waterfall and Brunnhildar Village. After a few days I was alone and camped 12 hours straight, thought it was strange cause it always spawned within 8 hours. Which led me to believe that something probably had spawned in Ulduar without being detected.
So how were we suppose to solve this? I got the idea to get a 3d account (Starter Edition) My friend sent me an invitation thru "Recruit a Friend" button that is in the top right of your friendlist-tab. (Which made it possible for him to summon my level 1 alt to Ulduar) You do not have to pay for subscription-time when you do this since you can play for free up too level 20,
This was the biggest difference for us since we didn't have to live with the idea that '' it may have spawned in Ulduar '' and could actually get some sleep.
We both got our kills in Ulduar. I had my main logged out at Ulduar spawn spot. So I would be able too logg of my alt, log into my main and kill it if it spawned there. Taking no chances for it to fly further then needed.
(This requires the person on the PVE-realm to be the leader of the group, so you are on the correct realm when logging in.)
After I got mine it was my friend left. He was always camping at the Frozen Lake spawnpoint. He is an engineer with a Wormhole Generator: Northrend this is a REALLY good item if you have an alt camping at the Ulduar spawn-point and you want to get to that spot as fast as possible.
Some screenshots from our camping:
Read through all the information (new information) that you can find on the Time-Lost Proto-Drake. Check out new guides on youtube, check out Wowhead: http://www.wowhead.com/npc=32491/time-lost-proto-drake
Short information that everyone already knows:
- Share spawnpoints and routes with Vyragosa another rare in The Storm Peaks.
- Time-Lost Proto-Drake has 1/6 chance to spawn instead Vyragosa. It doesn't mean that there will be 5 Vyragosa spawns and then 1 Time-Lost. Everytime there is a spawn, there is always a small chance for it too be Time-Lost instead.
- It's good too skin the corpse, Ivé read that it affects the spawntimer in a positive way, we had a skinner that skinned every corpse of Vyragosa. (Time-Lost can't be skinned) But honestly, I'm not sure if this is true. Either way it's a good thing if you cba people knowing when the last kill was. :)
- According to our own logs the spawntimer is between 4-8 hours. We have never seen a spawn later then 8 hours or a spawn earlier then 4 hours from when the corpse was skinned. If we did have one, it was because we went to camp after 6h+, overslept or a server restart accured.
Short informaton that is not true (outdated) according too our data:
- Killing rares in Northrend affects the spawn-timer. NO! Might have been before but believe me, we tried this, alot of times, killing every damn rare, and we still had to wait 7-8 hours until we saw a spawn. It's a complete waste of time if you ask me.
- Earliest spawn can be 6 hours after the last Time-Lost or Vyragosa was killed. NO! We had kills as early as 4 hours after the last kill and the longest was 8h, covering all spawn-points.
The white skulls is when we've seen Time-Lost dead or killed it ourselves.
Method: Camping with friend
How: On a low population server without CRZ. (PVE) Check; https://realmpop.com/ to find a good one, of course, this involves money for a transfer.
When: 24/7 for two weeks in a row. I went camping with a friend, we both wanted the Time-Lost Proto-Drake and we both transfered alts and decided to go full camp mode. It took us 15 days of intense camping. Killing two Time-Lost and found 1 dead cause of early spawn.
Needs: Knowledge, patience, SilverDragon , NPCscan, NPCscan Overlay and MACRO:
I used a target macro mage by SerroDan since NPC-scan or SilverDragon wont work if you don't hover over the rare.
MACRO 1 (use for when you are alone)
/target Vyra
/target Time-Los
/run if UnitName("Target") then PlaySoundFile([[Sound\Interface\PVPFlagTakenMono.ogg]], "Master"); print(date(), UnitName("Target"), "Found"); SetRaidTarget("target",8); end
MACRO 2 (use for when someone is stacking on you)
/target Vyra
/target Time-Los
/run if UnitName("Target") then PlaySoundFile([[Sound\Interface\PVPFlagTakenMono.ogg]], "Master"); print(date(), UnitName("Target"), "Found"); SetRaidTarget("target",8); end
I used both of those macros, and I pressed, and pressed, and pressed and I have to admit pressing that damn macro for 2 weeks straight while camping made me abit insane. Mostly I pressed when someonelse was stacking with me.
We had three accounts, he had 1 and I had 2. We covered 3/4 spawnpoints. Frozen Lake, Waterfall and Brunnhildar Village. After a few days I was alone and camped 12 hours straight, thought it was strange cause it always spawned within 8 hours. Which led me to believe that something probably had spawned in Ulduar without being detected.
So how were we suppose to solve this? I got the idea to get a 3d account (Starter Edition) My friend sent me an invitation thru "Recruit a Friend" button that is in the top right of your friendlist-tab. (Which made it possible for him to summon my level 1 alt to Ulduar) You do not have to pay for subscription-time when you do this since you can play for free up too level 20,
This was the biggest difference for us since we didn't have to live with the idea that '' it may have spawned in Ulduar '' and could actually get some sleep.
We both got our kills in Ulduar. I had my main logged out at Ulduar spawn spot. So I would be able too logg of my alt, log into my main and kill it if it spawned there. Taking no chances for it to fly further then needed.
(This requires the person on the PVE-realm to be the leader of the group, so you are on the correct realm when logging in.)
After I got mine it was my friend left. He was always camping at the Frozen Lake spawnpoint. He is an engineer with a Wormhole Generator: Northrend this is a REALLY good item if you have an alt camping at the Ulduar spawn-point and you want to get to that spot as fast as possible.
Some screenshots from our camping:
My kill, Ulduar
Annoying Vyragosa (We killed her 42 times)
My level 4 alt camping at Ulduar spawn-point.
Found dead after camping ended.
Found dead cause of early spawn.
And my bae's kill. Ulduar
Deathsdemise got the 4th one.
Finally our camping friend got his Time-Lost Proto-Drake after three whole weeks being very unlucky. He was camping alone at first, but after we got ours we decided too camp with him. We started as camping enemies but to become good camping friends, and I'm glad. :)
People that visited BobRoss, our level 4 hunter Ulduar camping-alt.
Special thanks to our camping (stacking) friends.
Youngblood (Made friends with this guy, helped him get his.)
Happy hunting / Tukea
fredag 18 mars 2016
Voidtalon of the Dark Star - Edge of Reality - Part 2
Edge Of Reality found again, twice in Shadowmoon Valley and Spires Of Arak.
Method: Placing out alts all over Draenor
How: Getting invited to a low-pop realm
When: After serverrestart
Placing alt's around the Draenor proved to be a good idea. And this time, I finally got my screenshots.
Shadowmoon Valley
Spires of Arak
YES, you CAN see the portal (on alt) even if you have the mount.
This happend too me twice now.
onsdag 9 mars 2016
Voidtalon of the Dark Star - Edge of Reality
Found twice.
Method: 'Realmhopping'
How: With the addon (Cross Realm Assist)
When: Wednesday, After server restart
There is really no 'guaranteed' way of finding a portal, it's mostly luck, being in the right place at the right time.
In the beginning, when people started too know about the new 'super-rare' mount from WoD, I read up on it at various forums and watched the videos that existed at that time, tried too gather as much information as I could before starting too hunt for it myself.
And then one day I decided to try my own luck by jumping around on different servers to steal a portal. I didn't succeed at all. There was always about 4-5 other people who did exactly the same thing so I gave up my search for a few months.
As we all know, Frostfire Ridge and Shadowmoon Valley is the most crowded places to be after a server restart. I even found my own portal in Frostfire Ridge, however, three hours AFTER server restart, which means that the portal has jumped around in Draenor without anyone else founding it. I call that pure luck cause a few seconds after I pressed the portal two other people jumped into the same raid group.
People say that you can't see the portal anymore when you already clicked it and obtained the mount. I can confirm that this is not true, atleast not if you are on an alt, wich I was when i found my second one.
I found my second portal i Gorgrond. /way 51.69, 38.59. My bae who I wanted to help out was unfortunately in Frostfire Ridge and just a minute after a Blood Elf DK and came and R.I.P portal.
I got no recording and no good screenshots cause I simply panicked. Basically what happend was that I jumped into the Shattered Hand-EU by Cross Realm Assist and it spawned right in front of my eyes. (That's why the portal look a bit weird, cause it's kinda evolving, lol) I used a run macro (only need too run it once) that takes a print screen when you hover over the portal, it also plays a sound that makes you freak out. ;)
/run local f,x = CreateFrame("frame",nil, UIParent);f:SetScript("OnUpdate", function() if GameTooltipTextLeft1:GetText() == "Edge of Reality" then PlaySoundKitID(11466, "master", true); if not x then Screenshot(); x=true; end end end)
There are of course other methods to snag a portal, if you are a person with many alts. Place them in all zones in the areas where the portal spawns and immediately log in after server restart. If you are on a low-pop server, switch alts as soon as you can after not findning anything. If you are on a high pop server i recommend start too jump around on servers asap.
I dont know much about this method, but read that if you are really serious about getting this mount this is the way too go.
P.S To be honest, At this point, after my own experience I would say that Frostfire Ridge and Shadowmoon Valley is like digging your own grave, There WILL be people there. And if you are not confident enough too fight for it with alot of other people I would recommend to instead try out Gorgrond or Talador and hope that the luck is on your side. There is of course people there too, but not as much as in Frostfire Ridge and Shadowmoon Valley.
Watch this video by SerroDan (Who tbh need som recognition since his videos are awesome.)
Method: 'Realmhopping'
How: With the addon (Cross Realm Assist)
When: Wednesday, After server restart
There is really no 'guaranteed' way of finding a portal, it's mostly luck, being in the right place at the right time.
In the beginning, when people started too know about the new 'super-rare' mount from WoD, I read up on it at various forums and watched the videos that existed at that time, tried too gather as much information as I could before starting too hunt for it myself.
And then one day I decided to try my own luck by jumping around on different servers to steal a portal. I didn't succeed at all. There was always about 4-5 other people who did exactly the same thing so I gave up my search for a few months.
As we all know, Frostfire Ridge and Shadowmoon Valley is the most crowded places to be after a server restart. I even found my own portal in Frostfire Ridge, however, three hours AFTER server restart, which means that the portal has jumped around in Draenor without anyone else founding it. I call that pure luck cause a few seconds after I pressed the portal two other people jumped into the same raid group.
You can't really see the portal cause I already clicked it. But you can see in the right corner that is says Edge of Reality and also the error message yoy get from clicking it while in raidgroup. I got the mount mailed too me after like 20 min. (Sorry, Al'Akir ;) )
People say that you can't see the portal anymore when you already clicked it and obtained the mount. I can confirm that this is not true, atleast not if you are on an alt, wich I was when i found my second one.
I found my second portal i Gorgrond. /way 51.69, 38.59. My bae who I wanted to help out was unfortunately in Frostfire Ridge and just a minute after a Blood Elf DK and came and R.I.P portal.
Yes, I have another hunter alt. It's boosted with one purpose - hunting rares on a low-pop server.
I got no recording and no good screenshots cause I simply panicked. Basically what happend was that I jumped into the Shattered Hand-EU by Cross Realm Assist and it spawned right in front of my eyes. (That's why the portal look a bit weird, cause it's kinda evolving, lol) I used a run macro (only need too run it once) that takes a print screen when you hover over the portal, it also plays a sound that makes you freak out. ;)
/run local f,x = CreateFrame("frame",nil, UIParent);f:SetScript("OnUpdate", function() if GameTooltipTextLeft1:GetText() == "Edge of Reality" then PlaySoundKitID(11466, "master", true); if not x then Screenshot(); x=true; end end end)
There are of course other methods to snag a portal, if you are a person with many alts. Place them in all zones in the areas where the portal spawns and immediately log in after server restart. If you are on a low-pop server, switch alts as soon as you can after not findning anything. If you are on a high pop server i recommend start too jump around on servers asap.
I dont know much about this method, but read that if you are really serious about getting this mount this is the way too go.
P.S To be honest, At this point, after my own experience I would say that Frostfire Ridge and Shadowmoon Valley is like digging your own grave, There WILL be people there. And if you are not confident enough too fight for it with alot of other people I would recommend to instead try out Gorgrond or Talador and hope that the luck is on your side. There is of course people there too, but not as much as in Frostfire Ridge and Shadowmoon Valley.
Watch this video by SerroDan (Who tbh need som recognition since his videos are awesome.)
- At 7.00 you can see the portal pretty clearly.
Good luck fellow Hunters. :)
onsdag 11 mars 2015
måndag 15 december 2014
söndag 11 maj 2014
måndag 7 april 2014
Back on track
I'm stuck, again. There was one time I thought I would never play World of Warcraft again. But here I am, transfered and faction changed my Troll Hunter to Night Elf Hunter on Sylvanas. Write Hi if you wish. I am shy but sweet. :)
måndag 27 januari 2014
måndag 15 juli 2013
me little casual
Since im casual and everyonelse is either having a normal life or playing hardcore i would like too have a friend that can play casual with me. :) I'm playing on Ragnaros as Tukea.
P.S I do not suck.
fredag 23 november 2012
long time no see
Wow, its been over a year i wrote here, well i left world of warcraft behind, the thing i play now is leauge of legends, just for fun. ARAM and blind pick. Add me for some noob games; Tukea EU-WEST
söndag 21 augusti 2011
earning cash
torsdag 28 juli 2011
Karkin is mine!
tisdag 26 juli 2011
Just tamed Ankha!
måndag 25 juli 2011
How too tame - Solix
About Solix tame, here is a really good video from Abraxusta - how too tame!
In germanish! Haha
He has alot of good ''How too tame'' videos.
Check him out; Abraxusta
Btw, go too 0.40, there is really no action until then.
söndag 24 juli 2011
Holyhelsing killed Solix!

God, i hate people like him. Me and my friend were in progress too tame Solix. And then the nolifer Paladin comes in; He's like ''I WaNnA Be A FuNnEh NoLiFer PaLaDiN'' and kills him instead. What is more dumb? Taming a rarespawn? Or killing him while someone is taming him?
The answer of that question is very simple.
And he is talking about having a brain. Coming with argument like swedish people are dumb? I'm a 16 year old boy sitting inside my 4 walls? And my english sucks? Roflmao.
Sorry if i am acting like a lame ass hanging him out like this. But i just hate people that have nothing too say, so they just ACT stupid instead!
Deth'tilac tame
I like that he's purple :) And I like that is unique skinned, just like Kirix.
1. Frosttrap (For slowing him)
2. Sacrifice pet (Best way too make him loose hp)
3. Snake trap for damaging him. (If you dont damage him, he will reset)
4. Revive pet and sacrifice again. (from distance ofc)
And over and over again, while kiting!

After like 40% left on Death'tilac two ally hunters came, im was like FUCK, im screwed they are gonna kill me, and try tame him from me. And they sure did try tame him. But i was the one that dissmissed my pet at 25%. And he still had his up - dead. They might have helped me, even if the guy shooted me a few times while i was taming, im not sure.
Only fair i got him thou, i found him, and i did alot of work on him. And if you destroy for me, i destroy you.
Althou, if you dont, i wouldnt either. Im kinda nice when it comes too that, EVEN if you are an ally.
1. Frosttrap (For slowing him)
2. Sacrifice pet (Best way too make him loose hp)
3. Snake trap for damaging him. (If you dont damage him, he will reset)
4. Revive pet and sacrifice again. (from distance ofc)
And over and over again, while kiting!

After like 40% left on Death'tilac two ally hunters came, im was like FUCK, im screwed they are gonna kill me, and try tame him from me. And they sure did try tame him. But i was the one that dissmissed my pet at 25%. And he still had his up - dead. They might have helped me, even if the guy shooted me a few times while i was taming, im not sure.
Only fair i got him thou, i found him, and i did alot of work on him. And if you destroy for me, i destroy you.
Althou, if you dont, i wouldnt either. Im kinda nice when it comes too that, EVEN if you are an ally.
lördag 23 juli 2011
Taming Skitterflame, Skarr and my last Madexx

Skarr 17.10
Skarr 05.15
Kirkin 19.00
Next spawn;
Kirkin 08.00
Next spawn; 21.00-23.00?

Hi and welcome too my stable in less then 40 min. Can you be more lucky?
Okey, this was just so wierd, Skitterflame popped up on my screen, and I tamed him with help from my precious liten gobo Colding, I Heartstoned, and came back, and Skarr pops up on my npcscan UNTAMED. AND I FUCKING GOT HIM TOO.
And then we went back too Org so i could show Ban'thalos too Colde that i got earlier same night. and then i thought maybe i should go too Uldum too see if my black Madexx was there (My last color in the collection) And who was there?
I lol'd abit.
I am gonna see if I can find a slot for Anhka too. =) Cause my slots are full with my favourite rares.
I recorded everything, hmm. Just that my windowsmovie maker is so god damn fucked when I have too edit. :(
Ban'thalos tame
fredag 22 juli 2011
Sad panda
Found Skarr just 30 min ago. I was too late damnit! Another hunter got him before i reached the platforms. Grats too you thou!
He is one of the new pets i want. + Bal'thalos and Anhka. Then i think my slots are full. Haha.
He is one of the new pets i want. + Bal'thalos and Anhka. Then i think my slots are full. Haha.

Just tamed him, had a shitty day taming rares, found Bal'thalos and died all the time, i didnt read up on him. And some ally hunter tamed him insted. Well prepared so nothing too do about that.
And then Karkin spawned 10 hours after i saw him last time when the pally killed him.
Didnt get that either, i failed so hard. So an ally hunter got him, again. Haha. Lamerz.
But, now 06.00 i founf Kirix. Had 3 deaths reading wowhead what too do and how too do it, so i finally took the change too try jump into that rock that people said he will bug out in. And he sure did. Bug as hell. Video coming up.
Love / Smia
torsdag 21 juli 2011
onsdag 20 juli 2011

Was logging in and she spawned 2 min after. LOVE
Little Magria spawned again :) Found a swedish hunter too tame him. :) He was happy ^^

If your'e an ass too me, then i will not watch her for you, if you are kind. I'll try my best.
Useful or not; I have seen Magria 5 times the last days. Here is my list of times.
18.00 (Tamed her myself)
Next spawn;
Anhka 08.10 (Tamed her myself, wie)
Next spawn; 21.00-24.00?
During the 25th i havent been awake during those times when i ''think'' she would spawn. But from my own info, her spawntimer should be around 12-15 hours. This is the reason i dont believe i got all my rares for free. :) Althou this is a theory! And it has worked for me, with all the other rares.
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